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The Hobbit by J.R.R.Tolkien


The Hobbit is a children's fantasy adventure book, set in Middle Earth, replete with Goblins, Dwarves, Dragons and Hobbits, a cracking tale of adventure and a wise and friendly Wizard to guide the likeable heroes, Frodo and Sam, through it all. First published in 1937, to wide acclaim, it became an instant children's classic in the fantasy genre and has ever since been hailed as one of the finest examples of fantasy literature. Many themes occur in the story such as friendship and loyalty, overcoming fear and exercising courage in the face of real and unknown danger, heroism and  self-sacrifice for the sake of others, inner struggles with greed and self-loathing/acceptance etc. and of course, the bigger, over-arching theme of good vs.evil.

Verdict: suitable for study at Junior Level although weaker students may struggle with the sophistication of the language and many references to mythology etc.

Is there any better writer in the fantasy genre than Tolkien! Pleeease can my girl study this?!

Jill P, Co. Clare 

Loved this book growing up. Still do. Have read it numerous times to my kids who are now old enough to read it for themselves. Progressing on to Lord of the Rings....

David M, Co.Laois

Delighted to see this great classic is still treasured by teachers.....

Alma, Co.Waterford