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A Midsummer Night's Dream: classic play by William Shakespeare


  Brief summary of A Midsummer Night's Dream:  Theseus, the Duke of Athens, after conquering the warrior Amazons in battle, is in turn conquered by the charms of their queen, Hippolyta, and is preparing for his marriage to her. To speed the time until their wedding night, he orders amusements to be staged. Meanwhile, a courtier seeks the Duke's intervention because his daughter, Hermia, will not agree to his choice of Demetrius as a suitable husband for her because she's in love with Lysander.

According to,the dominant theme in A Midsummer Night's Dream is love, a subject to which Shakespeare returns constantly in his comedies. ... At one level, the story of the four young Athenians asserts that although "The course of true love never did run smooth," true love triumphs in the end, bringing happiness and harmony.

Verdict: suitable play to be studied at Junior Level.